Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sincelejo - COLOMBIA, March 17-31, 2010

God certainly works in mysterious ways. A Colombian brother from first Baptist Atlanta, Edgar, had invited me (Luis), many times aver the last three years, to go with him to evangelize his beloved people of Sincelejo, his wife's city. He said, "after all this years of turmoil, they are thirsty, and open, we need to go". So we did.

We flew to Cartagena, and from there took a four hour ride in a public bus to Sincelejo. Next morning we met pastor Ezequiel, from Iglesia Evangelica Bautista Bethesda (Bethesda Evangelical Baptist Church), our host church. From there, it was a nonstop two weeks of work and awesome blessings.
We did street evangelism almost every day, sometimes just brother Edgar and myself, other times with people from the church. We preached, taught, visited sick people, met with church pastors and leaders, did some training in personal evangelism, did a marriage retreat, but most of all, were there t encourage them. It was not what "we" did, but just been there for them. They said, "It is really amazing that God sent you from so far away to be with us this time. For me, It was probably the most beautiful humbling time I have had in many years.

I talked to Christians that have been persecuted, isolated, people that in some cases, had to run for their lives from they villages and towns. They are full of hope, trusting God, and willing to learn and be used by God. Every time we stopped somebody on the street, to share a tract and talked about Jesus, they listened, and gave us a smile, every time we knocked on a door, they invited us to come in and listened attentively. Pastors were open minded and willing to learn, even though many of them have been in ministry for long time. We just found a bunch of meek servants that love the Lord and love their people. They maid all they could to make us feel welcome, and THEY GOT IT.
Their vision, to reach their city for Christ, and to start new churches were there is not one. They did not ask for buildings, or money, or material things, they asked for training. They want us to help them to learn new ways, effective ways to share the Gospel, ways to be better leaders, better parents, better Christians..
Our commitment to them, to come, once a quarter, to do training and ministry alongside with them.
Please pray with us for this new endeavour, that God will give the wisdom, the strength, and the resources to do it.

Olanchito - HONDURAS, Jan 13-19, 2010

With a couple of old friends from Jabez Ministries, Lake Charles, LA, Butch and Colleen Guidry, we spent a few days evaluating and planning on how to help a christian radio station in "Nuevo Mendez", a little village close to the city of Olanchito. Jabez Ministries has been supporting the station for some time, and they want to help even more, not only the Radio Ministry, but the local church in Nuevo Mendez.
We are planning to go back to this area to do some minor construction work, work on the transmitter, and do ministry through the local church.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Yoro, HONDURAS, Jan. 31 - Feb. 12, 2010

After returning from Nicaragua and spending just one night at home, we were back on the move. This time, towards Honduras. As they have done for at least the last 25 years, a group of great friends from Ballardsville Baptist (Ballardsville, KY) and other churches in the area and in Huntsville, AL, came to Honduras for two weeks. We built a church building for the new Church Plant in Centro Poblado, and two classrooms at pastor Franklin's, Berea in Yoro. But this was just the tip of it. we did children Ministry in 4 different locations, showed Jesus Film in several villages.  We had Women retreat, preached a three day revival, spoke on the radio, and the most important, had training for pastors and leaders.

Many gave their lives to Jesus, called on the phone, and were prayed over. Pastors and leaders were encouraged and challenged, kids had a great time and Ladies really enjoyed their time.
I praise God for pastor Franklin and his wife Keri, for their dedicated and honest service to the Lord and the people He has entrusted to them, for their servant hearts and for the dedication to the Lord, their family and their ministry.

First Trip 2010

Nicaragua has been a great place to do missions work since our first trip, October 2008 . Serving along side with pastor Eliseo is always very rewarding and a lot of fun. After spending a week in La Trinidad in November, were we did a pastors/leaders conference and participated in a youth camp (just teaching, too old for the activities), we spared some time to dream and review plans for 2010.

As part of the whole effort to equip the local saints for the work of ministry, we had our first team for 2010 on  January24-30 , a group from several Cumberland Presbyterian  Churches from Jackson area , Tennessee, serving around la Trinidad through Medical Clinics, Construction (second floor on pastor Eliseo's church), children outreach, and a three days Street Revival.

A good group of  people came to the Lord on those days, and we are already seen the fruits of the effort. The new church plant in Las Lajas is going well and a piece of land has been already bought  to start building a Youth Camp/Training Facility in June 2010.