Monday, April 26, 2010

Yoro, HONDURAS, Jan. 31 - Feb. 12, 2010

After returning from Nicaragua and spending just one night at home, we were back on the move. This time, towards Honduras. As they have done for at least the last 25 years, a group of great friends from Ballardsville Baptist (Ballardsville, KY) and other churches in the area and in Huntsville, AL, came to Honduras for two weeks. We built a church building for the new Church Plant in Centro Poblado, and two classrooms at pastor Franklin's, Berea in Yoro. But this was just the tip of it. we did children Ministry in 4 different locations, showed Jesus Film in several villages.  We had Women retreat, preached a three day revival, spoke on the radio, and the most important, had training for pastors and leaders.

Many gave their lives to Jesus, called on the phone, and were prayed over. Pastors and leaders were encouraged and challenged, kids had a great time and Ladies really enjoyed their time.
I praise God for pastor Franklin and his wife Keri, for their dedicated and honest service to the Lord and the people He has entrusted to them, for their servant hearts and for the dedication to the Lord, their family and their ministry.

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